Green Building - Smart Building

Podrška zelenoj gradnji
KONE nudi brojna rešenja koja Vam pomažu da dizajnirate održive perspektivne zgrade koje odgovaraju zahtevima zelene gradnje. Na primer, naša usluga KONE Planiranje i konsultovanje za protok ljudi i digitalna povezanost otvaraju nove mogućnosti za energetski efikasnije upravljanje zgradom.
Sertifikat za zelenu gradnju
Svojim klijentima pomažemo da dobiju sertifikate zelene gradnje uz pomoć najboljih energetski efikasnih rešenja, kao i zdravih i održivih materijala.
Green Building - Smart Building

Procena uticaja naših rešenja tokom njihovog životnog veka
KONE Ekološke deklaracije proizvoda (EPD) su verifikovani dokumenti treće strane koji opisuju uticaje naših proizvoda tokom njihovog životnog veka na životnu sredinu. Takođe, objavljujemo Zdravstvene deklaracije proizvoda (HPD) koji daju informacije o sadržaju materijala i povezanim efektima naših proizvoda na zdravlje, kao odgovor na rastuću potrebu za zdravijim životnim okruženjem.
Green Building - Smart Building

Održivi materijali
Biramo materijale koji su usklađeni sa ekološkim standardima i težimo da smanjimo nepotrebna pakovanje za naše proizvode. Testiranje otpornosti i pouzdanosti u promenljivim uslovima omogućava nam da napravimo poboljšanja koja produžavaju životni vek naših proizvoda, a naše inicijative za rukovanje otpadom obezbeđuju da se oprema koja je uklonjena iz upotrebe reciklira što je moguće efikasnije.
Saznajte više o našim proizvodima i uslugama zelene gradnje

KONE Planiranje i konsultovanje za protok ljudi
Procenite, planirajte i dizajnirajte sa zelenim fokusom i koristite našu stručnost da postignete besprekoran protok ljudi kako unutar, tako i između zgrada.

Razvoj održivih pametnih gradova
Podržavamo ekološku transformaciju okruženja u kome se gradi u pametne ekološke gradove, zajednice sa malom emisijom ugljenika i zgrade sa nultom potrošnjom energije.

Lider u energetskoj efikasnosti
KONE ima dugačku istoriju u pravljenju da svoje liftove i eskalatore učini energetski efikasnijima. Saznajte više o našem najširem spektru ISO25745 ocena energetske efikasnosti za liftove klase A i eskalatore A+++ danas.
Green Building - Smart Building
We help our customers obtain green building certifications, such as LEED and BREEAM, with best-in-class of the energy-efficient solutions.
KONE has considered our key customer groups' responsibility, including builders, building owners, facility managers, and developers, when using materials for a building project. Using our services offers the benefits of green and renewable solutions, but it also has economic benefits that can be appreciated in operating costs.
KONE was the first company to achieve the best A-class energy efficiency classification for elevator installations according to ISO 25745. Currently, 23 of our elevator models have received these best A-class classification and 8 escalators and autowalks with the best A+++ rating in the escalator and autowalk category. At KONE, we are proud of the quality of our products and to be ranked so highly among the world's most innovative companies in the world in part for our renewable approach and use of these green technologies.
In order to illustrate the benefits and environmental impact during the entire lifetime of these solutions, we publish Environmental Product Declarations (EPD). In addition, we publish Health Product Declarations (HPD) to communicate about the material content and the associated health effects of our products, responding to a growing need for healthier living environments. KONE's innovative approach to better construction, use of quality materials and equipment puts the public and users of our resources at the centre of our mission. Such innovations are critical for reducing carbon emissions and the global climate crisis. We are proud of the green building energy and performance technologies solutions we have adopted, such as our use of green materials. For example, the KONE TranSys™ DX is mainly composed of ferrous metals. Waste of the ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and electronic components used in the elevator can all be recycled after the end of life.
Taking care of our natural resources, including water and air quality, and reducing emissions has never been more important. We all have a social responsibility and must consider our impact on the environment.
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